Hey midget here is my app for being a recruitment officer
Why should you be a recruitment officer: I believe i will be a good recruitment officer because i played the game for a while i know who is a good honest player and whos not. I will only allow mature players who play by the rules in our clan and they have to be some what decent at the game. That means they cant camp 24/7 no mike spamming and defiinitely no HACKING!!!!
Will you abuse this posistion: Absitlutely not. And if i do recruit some one i will varify it with you first.
Do you have any expierience with this posistion: Yes i do i was a recruitment officer 4 the ATK clan and i hadled it in a mature and responsible way.
How would you cotribute to our clan: If you give me your adress i can donate cash to the server because i do not have a credit card. I on live like a 2 hour hike from andy and midget i live like south jersey in somerdale.And i can come up with some pretty sick art on the microsoft publisher and send it to you guys
Ps: i can get us in to some scrims any time you want too with other clans good ones and bad ones. It will depend how good we are. Me and midget spent alot of time practicing on the other server and i feel pretty confident so any time your looking for a scrim im your man